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Comrades From The North

Things are starting to resemble normality in Dylan Central. Now that the world is more open than it has been for a while, Dylan has taken the opportunity to continue with his Rough and Rowdy Ways world tour. Initially, of course this was not so much a world tour as a foray into the depths of the American psyche through a third tour of the US in the summer following in the tracks of similar outings last November and in the Spring of 2022. And then came the news of a 25-date European trek at the end of September and through October. Yippee! So the world tour finally gets to some other kind of places. The aforementioned Summer US tour comprised 25 shows, mostly in the western coastal states and, for the most part, featured an identical set-list to the tour that preceeded it. Thus, fans were treated to nine songs from the latest album - well it is called the Rough and Rowdy Ways after all - and the familiar batch of old chestnuts. Having maintained iron discipline in sticking to his tried and trusted show selections, Dylan did replace the encore song Every Grain Of Sand at a couple of shows with the ebullient Friend Of The Devil. Then, just to keep us on our toes, he ditched Melancholy Mood at the very last show in Denver in favour of the very dynamic That Old Black Magic. No doubt the European shows will continue to feature the Rough and Rowdy Ways songs but what will he wrap around them. Can’t wait to find out. We hope that subscribers were lucky enough to get tickets for these shows - could this be the last time we see him this side of the pond? Somehow we don’t think so.

It was with great sadness that we received the news that our friends at Isis will no longer be publishing their informative and enjoyable magazine.As publishers of a subscription journal ourselves we completely understand the issues which have led to Derek and Tracy’s decision. The problems presented by the UK divorce from the EU have been very difficult to overcome and Derek’s heartfelt message was razor-sharp:

"Issue 218 is the last magazine of this subscription year and the final magazine ever. It has been a tough decision, but events of the past two years – Covid, Brexit, and soaring costs worsened by Putin’s war – have combined to make running any subscription-based venture an absolute nightmare. Brexit has made it extremely difficult for us to sell to the EU, but all our reasons for quitting are explained in detail to our subscribers in the latest mag."

Isis was one of the first regular productions to focus on Dylan and his work. Established in 1985, it ran for 37 years That is no mean feat and it is a testimony to Derek and Tracy that they were able to sustain such a quality output for that whole time. It is not easy, believe us. And Isis kept moving on ending life as a highly professional, large A4 format, glossy colour publication.

Though Isis is no more, thankfully Derek and Tracy will continue to serve the army of Dylan fans via the Isis store. And if that is not enough, they also worked hard to secure what tickets they could for the upcoming London Palladium shows for subscribers. A job well done. Best wishes for the future Derek and Tracy.

Dylan Central has delivered much this year, a new recording of Blowin' In The Wind, no less, with more to come - a probable Bootleg Series based on Time Out Of Mind, a possible set of recording from around the Village and elsewhere that pre-date Dylan’s Columbia contract not to mention his book The Philosophy of Modern Song. And the bookshelves are groaning with new titles emerging on a regular basis. It really is an industry, one with a Nobel Prize-winner as its focus but one that must be approached with caution. For every silk purse of a tome, there are many sows’ ears that remain so.

Enjoy the shows and, in the words of an old police series - take care out there.

May you climb on every rung ..........

Mike & John

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